other thoughts

Eating skittles properly

[Today’s run: rest day]

I bought some skittles candies in the little serving-sized bags they sell for Halloween candy.

So, today I ate most of the skittles.  Here’s how I do it.  I dump them out and sort by color.  In these packages there were five different colors.

Then, eat one of the most populated color group.  Continue until there are maximum of two in each color group.  Eat one of each color until there are singles in each color group.  Then eat the last one of each color.

I’ve been cutting back.  I used to separate them by color and eat them two at a time, one on each side of my mouth.  These days my skittles go twice as far.

I don’t think I have many OCD-ish habits.  I don’t count the steps to the bathroom or the number of strokes brushing my teeth.  I only count the RV’s in the RV lot when I drive past in the car by myself and I know someone is going to ask me how many there were.

And I don’t eat anything else this way.  Well, maybe M&M’s on the few occasions I eat M&M’s. (I don’t really like plain M&M’s.  The peanut kind are better.  I’m not much for chocolate.)

I think it’s the colors that cause this.