other thoughts

Junker Droid 2

[Today’s run: Limerock Road +  for 4.5 miles]

Today I bought a junker droid 2 phone for ten bucks from a guy off of craigslist.  I also ordered a battery off of  for about $4.

I don’t really need a phone, particularly one that the family plan on AT&T won’t accept.

What I was thinking was maybe I would try my hand at a little Android programming.  I have a new Android tablet, and now I have a crusty old Android phone.  So I might try a bit of that and see if I think of any apps to work up.

I was considering one for ham radio: formulas for winding toroid coils.  And maybe one for doing lookups on ARRL Logbook of the World?  Have not thought of any others.

Anyway, spent a small sum for my entertainment.  Cheaper than drinking or going to a movie.