
Oracle WebLogic

[Today’s run: 3.x miles, coming off a hard weekend]

I ordered up this book last week about Oracle WebLogic.

I am the administrator for an installation of various Oracle pieces including their “middleware” Oracle Application Server.  (Middleware is software that aggregates information from one or more source and then presents that info, usually using a web browser.)

When the next version comes into my realm I’ll have to be ready to shift from OAS to this new WebLogic thing.  Oracle had OAS, but they saw that a WebLogic, owned by BEA was a better product (I guess) and they bought BEA and threw out their own OAS and put WebLogic in it’s place.

So, I need to read up on WebLogic, maybe do some playing around with it.  I may even try to get the office to spring for some real Oracle training.  That happens sometimes.