other thoughts

Droid 2 – cheap

[Today’s run: rest day]

Recently I bought a Motorola Droid 2 phone from off of craigslist.  It has a broken power switch and it came with no battery.  But I got it for only $10.  I ordered a battery off of for under $5 (including shipping!).

I was able to fire it up.  I cleared out the old owner’s contact list and text messages by doing a factory reset.  Then I had to get around the Verizon activation screen, easily done after a bit of googling.  The broken power switch is not that big of a handicap.    To power up, just plug it in to a USB charger or to the computer/USB cable.  If you want to power it down you have to take the battery out (I think I could also get an app to do it.)

So now I have an android cell phone without a phone activation. It talks to my household wifi; I can do browsing and youtube and that kind of thing.  It can be a mini-Kindle or a game-boy.

I was thinking maybe I would try to learn a bit about Android application programming.  I have downloaded the application development environment.  That’s as far as I’ve got.

For $15, an  interesting little toy.