other thoughts

The mouths of babes

[Today’s run: 3.2 miles]

I called the older folks on Sunday morning, like I usually do. They seem to be doing ok. They told me they had the little neighbor girl over a bit. She is the daughter of the pastor of their church. Their kids have been baby-sat by the folks a few times.

It seems that the little girl (maybe 4 -5 years old now?) asked to come over for a visit. She likes to do that. They watch Winnie The Pooh video tapes and eat chocolate pudding.

I told the folks that it was an unusual thing to have a child ask to go visit people up near 90. They must be living right.

One reply on “The mouths of babes”

Isabelle is five and she’s a good visitor, but then so are her three brothers. I think the folks’ house is an attractive place because they can drag out the boxes of toys that are always at the ready, watch Winnie The Pooh videos which are not available at home, explore the back yard and drag home as many “treasures” as they can find. Their parents are excellent and encourage the friendship. The folks are Bill & Phyllis, not a distant Mr & Mrs So-and-so. It’s very special, indeed.

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