[Thursday: 3.2 miles; today 6.9 miles, mostly walking, in Starkville]
We had an interesting week.
Tuesday I had a doctor appointment, a follow-up from the endoscopy I had 3 months ago. When I went in for that the said they wanted to do another endoscopy. They told me that was the result of the first one. Somehow I don’t remember receiving that information.
I do remember I filled out a form to get my lab results from the lab, and that was kind of complicated. My recollection is that the doctor’s office wasn’t very helpful with the results. I had been given a prescription too, and it was my understanding it was “as needed”. But at this appointment they were telling me it is every day for the rest of my life…
But here I was and they wanted to do it again. So we did it again on Wednesday (the next day). Again it was a very nice nap.
So the word is that I have Barrett’s Esophagus, which is a condition caused by long term acid reflux. That’s not really a surprise. I’ve had heart-burn issues for a long time.
But now I understand that it is something to keep an eye on. I’m taking a anti-acid medication, and they will probably want to do another endoscopy every few years.
The baby duck is doing well, still with us as of this evening. So far it is the only one. Mama duck is still sitting on the nest so maybe there are some candidate eggs yet in play.
We had a guy do a professional weed-eater job on the yard this past week. He does a really good job. But working around the back porch area he knocked a rock into the glass of the back door. It is double pane. Nothing came inside but the exterior pane was crumbling every time the door closed.
So I called a local door/window replacement company and got an estimate for a complete door replacement. We already had that on our list but just had not made any progress on it. The old doors have plastic dividers to give the illusion of multiple panes. Our dividers have been breaking since the day we moved in. And the sill of the door unit has rotted out. I think we are going to go with that option. I may do another search to see if any other local company wants to estimate it.
Thursday evening we went down to Meridian for a meet-up with the Facebook MS Coffee Runners group that Mrs. Howard founded. I think there were 13 of us who had dinner at a local brewery. It was a nice evening.
Today after my run in Starkville I climbed up into the attic to check for signs of a leak. We have a couple of stained spots on the ceiling in the living room area. I found where it is happening, but it doesn’t look like a leak exactly. So there will need to be more investigation.
Today I took the damaged rowboat to a boat repair shop. I had made zero progress getting it repaired. He is supposed to get me an estimate in a few days.
2 replies on “It’s been hot”
Sorry about the health diagnosis but at least now you know and hopefully some true relief with medication. (I had to Google it.)
I’m sorry to hear about your chronic esophagus troubles. Hopefully, you’ll get some relief.