Animals and Pets Ham Radio Operating

Field day

[Saturday: 3.2 miles; Monday: 3.2 miles; three participants at the Monday night hill run]

I stayed home from Starkville on Saturday and did my usual little 3 mile run. Then I took off around 9 am for a place up near Hamilton, MS where the Lowndes County ARC was putting on their Field Day operation.

I had gotten a call during the week that they needed me to bring some stuff. My contribution was a folding table some ropes and my G5RV antenna. I also brought some rolls, apples, oranges and donuts.

It was a really nice setup.

We got the antenna hoisted up into some very handy trees. Then there was a big picnic. And after that there was some operating.

I stayed until about 3:30 then headed home.

I need to go back up there later this week and retrieve those things.

On the home front, we have our first baby duck. Momma duck is still sitting on a pile of eggs so maybe there will be more.

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