classic book radio

New A/C charts

[Today’s run 3.2 miles]

This is the temperature chart for the radio shed on Saturday, the last day of the old AC box. It was having a hard day. The green line is the hot-air output of the transmitter. The purple line is the cold-air input of the transmitter (room temperature). You can see it was cycling, I don’t know why. But it was falling behind all day until I opened the door and got some cool evening air in there.

This is Sunday. I got the new AC box installed and running around 8 am (which is really hard to read on that bottom scale 16/08 is what it says.)

This Monday the 17th which not such a hot day, but the new AC box is working well. The hot exhaust of the transmitter is well under 90 degrees and room temp is in the upper 60s. I have the temp on the AC box set to 68.

Here is the temperature chart for recent days. The biggest peak on the right end is the 15th, it looks like we were above 95 degrees. The next bump is the 16th, etc.