
Grass: full speed ahead

[today’s run: 3.2 miles Watson Rd]

I did some mowing recently but there was some remaining when I went to bed.

Today I got back out there. Was it Thursday or Friday that I mowed? I’m not sure. But it looked like the just-mowed grass was already up about half an inch.

But I finished everything off, good enough until the next time.

I also did some weed-eater work the other day. Now my legs are all bug-bites down by the ankles. I had worn some paper cover-alls which helped keep the grass chunks off, but the bugs seem to have gotten through.

The sister of our neighbor who died while in custody of the county sheriff stopped by one evening this past week. She told us about the planned funeral for him and her investigation working to find out what happened.

She also said she will probably want to sell that lot. It is about an acre and a half. It does not touch our current property. We are thinking about it. There are at least a dozen derelict cars on the property that would need to be dragged out of the woods and hauled off. And the county on-line record shows it still being in the name of a older woman who passed away quite awhile ago. So who knows what that will require. There is an old garage and the slab where a house used to sit.