Ham Radio

Weather station project report

[Today’s run: rest day]

I have a complete working system now, running off of a battery.  So I’ve put this meter in the circuit so as to measure the current requirement.

This shows about 120 milliamps (12 volts DC).  The little board with the red LED is a DC-DC voltage converter to change the 12 VDC down to 5 VDC for the beaglebone.  The 12 VDC is used directly for the weather station/ sensor unit.

I got online and found a web page to calculate the size of the battery and solar panel I need.  For a battery I need something around 25 mAh, and for solar panel I need a 30 watt.

I have ordered the solar panel and I have a 17 mAh battery which will let me test the setup.

The only other piece missing is the charge controller.  There is a web group for a DIY (do it yourself) charge controller using an Arduino  (  That seems like overkill to me.  I could probably use a few of the unused ports on the beaglebone to run a charge controller.  Or I could just buy a cheap charge controller to get things started.  I guess it depends on how efficient I want to be.  A cheap one will not be as efficient in moving the power to the battery.  So I am still thinking about building this part too.
