Ham Radio


[Today’s run: rest day]

I don’t remember if I have written about this before.

The January QST magazine had an interesting article about using a PAL TV USB device as a general software defined radio.  I bought one of the things from ebay and have been playing around with it.  I think the thing cost something like $25.

I am running the software also discussed in the magazine article called SDR#.   The software will demodulate AM/SSB/FM.  Adjustments can be made to filter width, AGC and other stuff.  And it has a way of putting stations in memories.  Here I am listening to the public radio station.  You can see blockish sidebands on the signal and I believe those are the digital radio second-signal.  I don’t know if there is any way of demodulating that from this software.

I hooked this up to my dipole/G5RV antenna and it pulls in a lot of local FM stations and goes through the ham bands and public service radio bands too.

It definitely is colorful.