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[Yesterday’s run: 4 miles   Today’s run 9 miles]

Been having an interesting week around here.  Early in the week a box arrived with my weather stations that I purchased online.  Then on Friday another box arrived with an HP 400E AC Voltmeter and a Systron 6153 Counter/Timer.

I’ve been working on the Systron counter a bit.  I had to replace the on/off switch with another from Radio Shack.  The “D channel” input appears to be broken.  That leaves only the “A” channel which goes up to 200 MHz.  Useful but not as nice as if the whole thing worked.  If the input board for the D channel is fried then it probably is beyond hope.  The box does have some nice parts in it including nixie display tubes.  I think I am going to button it back up and just ignore the D channel problems for now.

The HP 400E AC Voltmeter has a tag on it which says the 10 mV setting does not work.  I will have to investigate that someday.

Today we got one of the weather gizmos mounted on the pergola outside my hamshack/office window.  I have the wire run in through my access panel and it is right now spitting out serial weather readings in a Kermit console window.  I have a long way to go to make that into something useful.  But the data is in house.  And, I can follow it for awhile and see if we get rain and wind data that is plausible.

Picture is a closeup of the D channel input board in the Systron counter.  that big chip capacitor on the left is messed up.   When I tried to fix the solder joint the capacitor’s metalized connection strip came off.  I think someone plugged this into something which was sending in way to much power.

systron counter D channel input board