Mississippi other thoughts

Quality of light

[Today’s run:  1 miles with the dog]

I grew up in Iowa, lived in the Chicago area for awhile, back to Iowa, then in Colorado for a few years and now in Mississippi.

I’ve noticed that there is a distinct difference in the quality of sunlight between Colorado and Mississippi.  I’ve lived in clean-air areas in both states.

In Colorado the sky is very blue.  The sunlight is stronger, more harsh during the day.  The clouds seem to stand out as extra white, like someone took regular clouds and bleached them.  Shadows are strong too.

In Mississippi the light has a softer quality.  In the early morning the sky will have a warm-color appearance, almost yellow.  The zenith is blue but the edges of the sky are softer and warmer.

I’m sure some of the effects are due to the amount of moisture in the air and some to just having more or less air above the ground.

Here is a picture I took while out on a morning run while we were visiting Colorado two weeks ago.   You can see a brown layer in the sky which is the northern reaches of the Denver smog cloud.  Otherwise I think you can see some of the Colorado quality of light.