other thoughts

More about Adam-12

[Today’s run: 2 miles with the dog]

We watched some more Adam-12 re-runs this evening.  Adam-12 is a police show that started on the air in 1968.  It was a spin-off from Dragnet and was known for being “realistic”, using real incidents from the the Los Angeles police department logs.

Here’s a list of things they don’t have on Adam-12:

  • No ambulances;  they have something kind of similar but it is just for transportation, and the people who drive it are dressed as policemen.
  • Not much in the way of an emergency room at the hospital
  • No paramedics
  • No CPR
  • No SWAT teams (I think that kind of thing is kind of out of style again these days.)
  • They had car radios but no hand-held radios.  So once they left the car they were out of touch
  • No computers, cell phones, GPS
  • No video camera rolling in the car
  • No divider between the front and back seats of the car
  • No seat belts
  • No plastic-zip handcuffs
  • No 911  (I guess you had to look up the number for the police department?)
  • No helicopters
  • No night vision goggles
  • No mag-lights or laser sights
  • No air conditioning in the patrol cars
  • No tasers, no mace or pepper spray either
  • A very abbreviated “miranda” warning
  • Very little “crime scene”  evidence stuff of any kind, just a bit of mention of fingerprinting
  • They do have a breath-a-lyzer that they used on the drunks

Some of that is because of the style of the show.  They used studio back-lots and low-budget sets and production.   But some is because in 1968 such things didn’t exist.

After Adam-12 came on, a few years later there was a spin-off of that called Emergency!  which was about firemen/paramedics.   It kind of introduced that idea to the world  And it was more “realistic”.   Later  I think there was a show about S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons And Tactics) teams where guys did things like training to clear houses and use sniper rifles and stuff.