Ham Radio Operating

More APRS propagation watcher

[Today’s run: Watson road  3.5 miles]

If you recall, I had been using an old laptop as my ham-radio computer.  I have a version of Linux running on it.  It works ok.

I started to get back into APRS with it.  At one time I ran an IGate and Digipeater, while we lived in Estes Park.  But not so much interest in that around here so I had not been into it.

But I was getting into 2 meter CW/SSB.  And I thought that maybe I could use APRS to alert me when there are band openings.  I hooked up a 2 meter radio to the laptop using the internal soundcard and got a bit of that running.  But it didn’t work very well.   One problem was the soundcard.  Another problem was a lack of APRS traffic with which to test the thing.

Two (actually three) interesting developments:

1 – I bought an external USB soundcard thingy.  It seems to work ok.  I’m not completely 100% sure it is better than the internal soundcard, but I think it almost has to be.

2 – A guy moved into the area from up north somewhere and he is into APRS.  He set up a digipeater that is within range of my place.  So I now have regular signals coming in

3 – The software TNC I was using  (soundmodem) is so-so.  A guy did a better implementation in Java and there was a write-up about it in the QEX magazine.  I got the software and now have it running.  It appears to be working ok.

I still have a bit of an interference problem between the APRS receiver and my internet system.  If I unplug the wifi router the APRS system gets better.  I’m not sure what I want to do about that, if anything.

But I feel more excited about the project.  Maybe I can work some more on my script to get the email notification stuff going.

Here’s a picture for today, another one from the Iowa State Fair.  One of the days we were there they had restored tractors lined up on the grand concourse.