

[Today’s run: 8 x 400 yards with walk back, about 3.5 miles]

We are working on a running schedule downloaded from the Hal Higdon website for Intermediate Half-Marathon.  We have a half marathon set up for November.

Part of the schedule is to do some repeats.  They are supposed to be at 5K race pace.  But my 5K race pace is about the same as my 10K race pace or any other pace.

So we started off with a couple of easy ones, then a harder one, then some easy and ended with a hard one.

I’m not really a very good runner.  But when I do sprints I really feel like I am accomplishing something.   No, I can’t run 5 minute miles.  I can’t run that fast even for 100 yards.  But I flail my arms and huff and puff.