Paxton, Kali and Evening Walks

Paxton enjoys going on short walks in the evenings.  Now that August is half way done, the evenings are a *little* bit cooler and he can go out again.  He likes to walk down past “Sammy’s house” to see if the cows are out in the field.

In the really hot part of the summer, that simply isn’t possible for a pudgy pooch and he misses it.

Kali, our dark colored kitty, loves joining us on these evening excursions!  I’ve never met a cat that likes to go for walks.  She’s such a silly cat!

Paxton and I will head on down the road and pretty soon we will hear, “Jingle. Jingle. Jingle” and a breathless, “Mew!”  That is Kali.  The little jingle bell on her collar making noise as she’s hurrying down the road and her “Mew!” telling us, “Wait for me!!!”

By the time we reach, “Sammy’s house,” Kali has usually caught up with us and we continue along our merry way.  Those two, Paxton and Kali, LOVE going on walks together!



Last night, Paxton and I started out on our walk.  We were doing everything the same as always.

Pretty soon, “Jingle.  Jingle.  Jingle.”  We knew Kali was on her way.

Paxton decided that maybe he should water the grass before we reached the end of our property.  *he knows we don’t like him to do a good-boy on the neighbors property* Paxton was a good boy and did his good boy and we continued on.

By this time, Kali had caught up with us.  I think she was a little relieved because it was still a little on the warm side and she had run a bit to catch up with us.

All of a sudden, Paxton decided he didn’t want to go for a walk anymore.  He bolted for home.

Goofy dog!

I called him but it was a no go.

Kali knew that we would have to wait for Paxton to come back and decided to use her time wisely by rolling in the grass.



Pretty soon she got bored and looked at me saying, “Is that dog coming or not?”

I called Paxton again and tried to coax him into coming.  It didn’t work.

That silly dog ran and hid beside the mailbox. When I called him he would peek around the mailbox and look at me.  Just look at me!



I finally gave it up for a lost cause.

The weather was cooling off enough that MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I decided to go on a short run instead.  This was my second run of the day but we had fun!  Beautiful Mississippi evening!









#AbbottWMM  Berlin Marathon 39 days!!!  Can’t wait to run this again~isn’t that the most beautiful finish line ever!?!


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