Paxton and the Hall Bathroom

If you’ve been a reader of this blog for any amount of time, you will know that my pudgy pooch, Paxton, is a doofus.  He loves wearing neckties.  He is addicted to Nutty Bars and he hates storms.  When thunderstorms arrive, you find him cowering in the hall bathroom and he Will. Not. Come. Out.

I knew that we were supposed to have storms this afternoon.  Paxton had been taking a pretty serious puppy nap most of the morning and I was getting concerned that he wouldn’t wake up before the storms arrived.

I decided to take matters into my own hands.

What did I do?  Simply opened the coat closet.

Paxton knows that his leash is in that closet.  If I open that closet, that means he gets to go for a walk!  That is one of his most favorite things to do!!!  So, yes, I opened the coat closet.


Paxton’s eyes opened and he jumped up and started doing his puppy *Happy Dance.*

“I get to go for a walk! I get to go for a walk! I get to go for a walk! I get to go for a walk!”

He was a very happy puppy.

After clipping on his leash, I opened the front door and he was out like a flash.  Immediately, he did what I was hoping he would do.  Paxton headed for the grass and did his “good-boy.”

We were ready for the storms.  Whew!

After visiting the grass, Paxton began to walk down the road.  Usually when Paxton goes for a walk, our dark kitty, Kali, tags along.  Today she wasn’t with us.  Instead, Castro, our white kitty decided he would like to go for a walk, too.

Seeing as it was pretty toasty outdoors, I knew Paxton wouldn’t want to walk too far and I was right.  We probably only walked a half mile total before we were back at the house.  He was panting.  He was hot.  He was most sincerely done.

We got to the driveway and Castro plopped down in front of my feet where he immediately proceeded to take a kitty bath.  What is it with cats doing that!?!  They’re so funny!

Paxton waited at the door for me to un-clip his leash then walked into the house the rest of the way.  He really was a hot dog.

Quickly, I went into the kitchen and put a handful of ice cubes into a dish.  I gave him the dish of ice cubes and he gratefully started crunching them.  He cooled down quickly and I took the rest of the ice cubes away.

That was Paxton’s walk today.  We had a lovely time and now that the storms are here, he has firmly planted himself in the hall bathroom. Goofy dog.





