home repair

Final column

[Today’s run/walk: 3.2 miles]

For my run this morning I decided not to drive to Starkville but try myself out on Watson Road. It was a cool day too, and overcast, so I didn’t start until about 8. Once I got out of range of the home wifi, the podcast I was listening to seized up. I spent some time walking and wrestling with my phone. I eventually gave up and finished my run with just peace and quiet.

My wife went to the Verizon store yesterday and upgraded her i-phone to the next model. I think she told me she jumped from an 11 to a 15 (something like that. I’m an android guy). And it turns out that the set-up person at the Verizon store somehow put both of our numbers on the new phone. So my phone could no longer attach to the Verizon network. I found this out by calling support on the house phone and eventually talking to a guy who sorted it out and fixed it… probably. I say probably because now she is unable to make outbound calls from her new phone. We need to go back to the Verizon store tomorrow.

I am not a big fan of our Verizon store.

The weather was delightfully cool today. I spent most of the day finishing up the porch column project. The last column is now installed and the porch is cleared of tools and debris.

You can see the pile of dirt and old sod is down to about 20% of what it was. I got four wheelborrow loads distributed and seeded today. If the weather stays cool and dry, maybe I can finish that off this week.

3 replies on “Final column”

Congrats on “done.” Not to be a jerk about it, but that downspout placement lessens the effect. You could replace with a scupper and let the rain water just drop onto a pile of gravel in a pit below it. Or so I _think_.

FWIW, we use Visible. Same network as Verizon but cheaper. $25/line unlimited data. No family plans. I’ll give you a referral code save us both a bit. Or get one plan then use that for referral for your second plan. No store. As long as you have WiFi set up at home with e-sim. It’s not the cheapest provider but we like the quality of the network. (We use the SE iPhone – cheaper and gets the job done. Size is nice, too. The camera is not great but that is not a concern for us.)

Your porch project really looks great.

Its getting cooler here and so its about time I tackle the project of repainting our front door. The Boss wants to go from the original white-ish to navy blue. The new color will match the patio chairs we got a while back.

About the drain pipe – Yeah, I wish it wasn’t there. But I haven’t been able to come up with a better solution. A scupper would require a pretty big catch basin. The problem is that our house is a slab on sand, like they do around here. And if you get any erosion of the sand under the slab things go bad pretty fast. So I’m being somewhat conservative in my changes.

They put in this pipe which goes out to into the yard. That works for all except the most extreme gully-washers. With the post we had a normal downspout which angled in and followed the post down vertically then went into the ground pipe. With the tapered column, I decided to remove the taper-in/taper-out. And I’m not sure if that was a good solution or not.

I’m going to go with this for awhile and see, #1 if it works for the heavy rains and #2 if I can stand the white. I may try painting the pipe or do something else to camouflage it.

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