classic book radio

Rain coming

[today’s run: 3.5 miles]

Tropical Storm Cindy is in the news in these parts.  I was rushed by that event to get my shingles on the transmitter shack roof.    I did get it done before the rain came on; finished it up around 8 this morning.

We had purchased three packages of shingles at Lowes a few days ago, all from the same pile.  But I discovered that one package was a different color!  I used it anyway.  Then I needed one more package and revisted Lowes.  This morning I discovered that package was yet another color!  So my shack roof has three different colors of shingles.  But it seems to be waterproof so I’ll take it.

Three of the walls are sheathed up to the top-plate.  The east wall will have the door, window and A/C unit in it.  I have a lot of work to do on that.  I’m using my stepladder and a tarp to act as a tent on the east wall.