Mississippi outdoors

Obese tree rodents

[Today’s run: 3.4 miles]

This evening I went for a run on Watson Road.  It is a dead end gravel road.  After I got to the end I started back, and, about half a mile along the way there was a cracking sound and a branch fell out of a tall tree about 100 yards in front of me.  The branch fell into the road, blocking most of it.  I came up to it and tried to drag the branch out of the road.  It was about 20 feet long and maybe 4-5 inches in diameter, with multiple branches and lots of leaves; so it was quite a bit of stuff.  I was able to get it over a little bit, a car could get by anyway. Then I continued on and eventually made it home.

It was kind of odd.  There wasn’t any wind that I could detect.  Maybe it was some really heavy squirrels?