
Home heating, Mississippi

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Our house here has two heat sources. But I get the distinct impression that home heating is not on the first tier construction checklist.

Up north we have things like natural gas, heating oil, big fireplaces, cords of wood, thick woolen blankets, parkas, mittens, quilts.

Down here house heating seems a bit more ad hoc. Our house has a small LP gas “fireplace”. Fitting with the rest of the home’s design (cheapest stuff that they could get at Lowes), it works but doesn’t do much more than that. We have “central heating” in the form of a giant toaster thingy that sits in the same box as the air-conditioner blower/coils. It works but it is an expensive way to go.

I appreciate having a couple of options. Last year we used one tank of LP gas over the whole winter. If we don’t use the toaster too much, we actually get away with pretty cheap operating.

It would help if we had more insulation. But that is another subject. And I shouldn’t be ungrateful since I can choose between two heat sources.

My wife was talking to a local resident today in town. The guy said he keeps his house at 77 degrees. We keep ours at 67. I like 67. I like wearing long sleeves and sometimes even a sweater-vest. Usually it is only chilly in the morning. When the burning sun rises above the trees, we quickly warm up.