other thoughts

Truck visor success

[Today’s run: Limerock Road – 4.0 miles]

The old truck has a few problems.  One of them was really bothering me in a particular way.   The sun visors were sagging down into the windshield area.

My wife likes to ride with the visor down all the time  (even at night).  So I was losing most of the visibility out of the passenger side of the windshield.  Much bummage.

After searching the googleplex for a way to adjust the visors, I found a webpage that said visors of a later vintage (87-96) Ford truck would fit and those years had little center-clippies so as to keep the visor from sagging.

I went to a local junkyard and found a few candidates.  Unfortunately, the only blue ones I found were from a 91 Explorer.  Gave those a try.  No go, the screw holes did not line up at all.  Back to the junkyard.  Got some red ones from an early 90’s F-350. Woo-Hoo!  Now I have a red, white and blue truck.