It’s almost here!!!

After all of the drama (of which, I am the queen) the Chicago Marathon is almost here!

“The List” is now underway~the list of things that must be completed before we can leave on our journey up north to Chicago.  The land, where hopefully, things are much cooler~chilly~cold!

After training all summer for the Ultra and running that race in that terrible heat, I was really looking forward to the remaining training for Chicago.  Theoretically, it should be been cooler for the remainder of my training.

However, It has been as toasty as ever.  I will admit to having two wonderful training runs in the 60’s.  That was great!  But, back up into the 80’s it has been.  I am hoping for some nice, cool weather for this race.

Things to do:  Today’s errand was to take the two cats, Castro and Kali, into the vets for some last minute immunizations so we can board them with Paxton over at Reggie’s House.

When I called Reggie’s House to make reservations for the cats, they told me that the kitties needed to be up to date on a few things.  This afternoon, both cats were in the house at the same time (that never happens!).  I took full advantage of this and stuffed each one of them into their respective kitty carriers and drove to the Vets office.

Kali just sulks on car trips.  Castro complains vociferously!  We made the 15 minute trip to the Vets and went inside.  All that trouble just to find out that they already had what was needed.  I had been misinformed.  Poor cats having to go through all of that.  YAY for my pocketbook, though!

I did pick up Paxton’s heartworm stuff while I was there.  Might as well, right!?!

Next thing on the list is to figure out parking for while we will be in Chicago.  I found out last night that our hotel (The Drake) does NOT provide parking.  Hmmm…need to look into that.

Things are shaping up for our trip!

I’m really getting excited about this!  The real reason we are going?  Well, I am pushing that itty bitty running part into the back of my mind.  I can’t dwell on it as of yet.  I’ll go bananas if I do it too soon.

All in good time.