Mississippi outdoors

Bees on the way out

[Today’s run: 3.5 miles]

We’ve both decided that our interest in beekeeping has come to an end.

We still have 4 bee hives, and we have one fellow who is interested in taking at least one of them.  I’m not sure yet if he will want all of them

I wouldn’t mind keeping one no-maintenance hive as just a curiosity, but I’m done with putting on hot bee-protective clothing and trying to manage the hives, take honey, all of that.  It’s a lot of work.

We never were very good at it.  Last year we didn’t get any honey at all, in part because of poor management in the spring and in part because of the drought in September-November which had us worried the bees might not have enough honey stored up to make it through the winter.

In our location we have never really had the “hive collapse” problems that other places have reported.   This is probably because there is little agricultural activity nearby; most of the adjoining land is set aside for hunting and grazing.