classic book radio other thoughts

Not running much

[today’s run:  0]

I have not been running much recently.  I go through phases like that.  I did run on Saturday for 4 miles and I had a nice run.  But, somehow I just haven’t gotten back out there and here it is Thursday evening.

I’m still downloading stuff and putting it in the Rivendell radio station software library.  I have improved my process quite a bit, but I could stand to keep better records about what I have downloaded and processed.  Fortunately the software has good search capabilities so I can check the loaded stuff for duplicates and look before loading.  I am also keeping the zipped .mp3 files of the stuff I have downloaded.  after loading it becomes .wav files which are much larger.  I have 1500 items loaded and am about 30% through my disk space on the computer.  It has a single 1TB drive  (that 1,000 GigaBytes).  I would like to have as large a library as I can get in place before we go on the air.  I may have to invest in some more computer hardware.

I have not yet figured out how to do our 8-hours * 3 (2 repeats) broadcast day.  But I’ve been off on other things, mainly working on the crowd-sourcing stuff to try to raise funds.

Speaking of that, I spoke to Mississippi Arts Commission.  We don’t really fit what they do since we aren’t “performing” anything.  I think I’m going to check out the Mississippi Humanities Commission to see if there is any fit there.  We are looking for grant $$ or any other kind of encouragement.  But, it did me some good to talk to the arts people.  Every time I explain what we are doing I get a bit better at it and I usually get positive feedback.