Ham Radio Operating

Field Day

[Today’s run: rest day]

Yesterday and this morning I did a bit of ham radio operating at the Lowndes County Amateur Radio Club in Columbus, MS.

We ran a field day station from the clubhouse with two transceivers and two G5RV wire antennas.

I worked 15 meters and 40 meters last night from around 6 until around 11.  Then this morning I went back in and worked the 20 meter station for about 2 hours before church.

Field day is kind of like a contest, there are lots of people on the air, but the original purpose was to be a “to the field” emergency preparedness exercise, taking your radios and antennas to a remote location and setting up under emergency conditions.

We didn’t operate that way this year.  But it was still a good experience.  We had quite a few of the new club members stop by and try out HF  (shortwave) operation for the first time.