Disconcerting News!

Today’s Run:  3.40 miles (beginning of taper week for Sat’s half marathon)

Yesterday my husband and I went to the grocery store.  I was out of my breakfast standby:  Malt o Meal.  Lo and behold, there was not any Malt o Meal anywhere to be seen on the shelves-anywhere!  This was not good.  I have had Malt o Meal forever for my breakfast (joined with two very strong cups of black coffee).  What to do!?!

Well, my next best thing was Grits.  Not instant grits mind you (boo), but the real, cook for five minutes, Quaker Oats Grits!  I like Grits and have been known to order them from time to time when dining out.

There are many things you can do with Grits.  People just add salt and pepper.  Some people add butter but by far the most popular combination down where I live is to add cheese.  Yummy, but very high in calories.  I want a simple, low fat, low calorie, plain ol’, easy to digest before I go out on my morning run breakfast.  That means from now on, my pre-race breakfast will have to be plain ol’, nothing on them, Grits.

A friend of mine sent me this link today so that if I get totally desperate for my Malt o Meal, I can order online.  We will just try the Grits, first.

Malt o Meal online