
Today’s Run:  50 min lifting at the “Y”

This Saturday is the Big Day:  The scary Half Marathon I have been talking about-forever. We (my husband and I) began training for this particular race back in August.  It seems strange that you have to spend such an exorbitant amount of time preparing for a “little” run.  But it has taken us twelve weeks to prepare ourselves for this coming Saturday morning.

This week is an “easy” week but probably one of the most difficult weeks of the training period.  It is the taper week.  This is the week with just a few (two) days of small runs and then the rest of the week you do NOT run.  That is the hard part.  Not running.  You are afraid that you will lose your conditioning.  You are afraid of injury.  You have guilt because you are doing a big fat nothing.  Nada. Zero.

I know that this week is vital to the successful completion of the race and both of us are really tired from all the running we have been doing so I guess we will not look a gift horse in the face (is that how the saying goes?).

So, this Saturday morning in Meridian, Mississippi, we will toe the line at 7:00 a.m. and run and run and run.  If you are up early and enjoying that first cup of coffee, give us a thought and a little cheer.  Here is the link to the race if you are interested.  leo run to remember