
Today’s Run:  4.51 miles

About a year ago we got a Netflix subscription.  We do not watch it often but we do watch it more often that we do television (seeing as we do not have a T.V.).  We are pretty fussy about what we do watch and find that British detective shows and historical shows are what we enjoy the most.

We really enjoyed watching the Sherlock Holmes series from the 1980’s.  They portrayed Holmes accurately and stayed close to the story line from the books themselves.  A very good series indeed.  When we finished those, we were at a loss on what to watch and stumbled around for a while until we found the new British series called Sherlock.

We decided to give Sherlock a try since we had heard an interview with the actors on NPR.  Boy were we surprised!  Boy were we hooked!  What a great show!  The only problem is that each season has only three episodes (an episode being two hours in length).  It did not take us long to watch the entire first season and seeing as they had only made one season we had to wait for the next season to be produced.

Well, enter last night~we decided to watch Netflix and could not decide what to watch (as usual) when we decided, on a whim, to see if the second season of Sherlock was out yet~there it was!  Yeah!  And it was worth the wait!