Mrs. Noah

Today’s Run:  Rest Day

Back in the early 1990’s we lived in Des Moines, Iowa.  We attended Fellowship Baptist Church.  Every Fall, during the Halloween season, we would hold a costume contest for the children.  They would come to church dressed as a Biblical character and our Minister had to try to figure out who they were representing.  It was a lot of fun.

One year we were desperate.  We could not think of a good costume for our daughter.  She had been Mary, Esther and an angel.  We were seriously out of ideas.  It was a rainy day that year~duck weather we like to call it~and it constituted the need for an umbrella to go to church.  That is when the brainstorm hit.

I quickly put her hair up in those pink foam rollers (remember those?), put some blusher on her cheeks and a little lipstick and then gave her the umbrella.  Meet Mrs. Noah!  She was a hit!

Today for church, I was Mrs. Noah (minus the pink foam rollers).  It has been pouring here all day!  I checked on the NOAA web site and according to the storm total graph we have received over two inches of rain so far today and it is still coming down pretty good.  So maybe my husband will get to buy that boat he has been wanting, huh?