Oh! NO!!!

Today’s Run: 60 min lifting at the “Y”

Oh No!!!  Remember yesterday when I showed you how long the grass had grown since Saturday (today is Wednesday)?  Well, I went out to cut the grass after lifting at the “Y” and got about a third of the way through the mowing when the mower started acting up.  Oh No!!! This is not a good thing.  It was making a noise like it wanted to stall out and then it started back firing.  As far as I am concerned, that equals that the mower is not feeling very well.

I toddled on into the house to deliver the news to my husband, who, being true to form did a typical “guy thing” and told me that it must be my imagination.  He then went out to mow a little bit to see if it was true.  It was.  So, he checked the spark plugs and bought some fancy gasoline and I finished the yard with the mower making spitting and sputtering noises.

The yard is now complete and we will probably end up calling WADE for repairs.  They are great.  They come out to your place, pick up the mower and then return it to you after the repairs are all done.  All at no additional charge!  If you live within twenty-five miles of the shop.  Which we do.

So, WADE gets some business from us and we help the economy.  All because the mower is not feeling well.  Poor mower.  Feel better soon.