
Today’s Run:  3.54 miles (80 degrees 79% humidity~HOT)

We have a little shy of a two acre property.  That adds up to a lot of mowing.  This year I began the mowing in February and will probably stop for the year in October.

Mowing is one of my favorite things to do.  I find it very relaxing.  A time to be alone with no phone ringing, no dog asking to go in and out, no cooking or cleaning, just me and my time to think.  And I spend my time trying to see just how straight I can make those lines in the yard.  I have had plenty of practice over the three years we have lived here in Mississippi.

(My husband says that if it is not growing, then it is trying to eat you~and that is true.  The grass grows and it grows fast and the bugs in the yard are out to get you~those fire ants are vicious!)

Which brings me back to the grass.  I just mowed on Saturday and today is Tuesday.  What’s that, three days?  And I need to mow AGAIN!  Just look at this yard!

But that will have to wait until tomorrow.  It is supposed to rain this afternoon and I will not be able to get it done before the rain rolls in.