Monday Morning Email

On purpose I gave this blog an incredibly bring title.  The reason I did it is because I’m beyond excited and if I hinted about it in the title, I might crash the internet!

Well, that might be a *slight* exaggeration, but I AM pretty excited about this!

Before I left for Texas and my 50 Mile race, and before MFH (My Favorite Husband) left for Colorado *where we met up after my race* I knew there was a teeny tiny possibility that what I am going to share with you might happen~I mean the tiniest sliver of a possibility!

I knew I would find out on Monday, the19th, whether or not I would get good news or not so good news when I opened my email.

All night Sunday, I had dreams about opening my email.  Isn’t that the craziest thing?  Dreaming about email!?!  I was a mess!!!  LOL!

I woke up Monday and flew to my laptop and booted it up.

Then I started my coffee.  I needed coffee to read my email.

MFH said good morning and I told him I’d fix breakfast in a second.  I just needed to check my email first.  He’s a pretty easy going guy so that wasn’t a problem. *I’m a lucky girl having MFH as her hubby!*

Finally the laptop was ready for the day and I opened my email.  I was scrolling through as fast as I could but not too fast so I wouldn’t accidentally miss what I was looking for.

There it was!

I held my breath and opened the email.

Then I let out a huge WHOOP!!!

This is what I found out:

I am going to be running the London Marathon in April!!!



Words can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about this!!!  I’ve wanted to run this marathon ever since I began running!  I can’t thank the person who made this possible enough!!!



Yesterday was spent purchasing airfare for MFH and myself and finding lodging.  This is literally a chance of a lifetime and we are both really looking forward to our trip to the UK!

Boring title for something so incredibly exciting. Woo-Hoo!!!





#AbbottWMM #WhereChampionsRun


