Uphill~Both Ways!

You’ve all heard the stories from the “Good ole’ Days” how our forebears had to walk miles upon miles, through blizzards, wearing old flour sacks just to get to school.  The school was always a one room school house without a furnace.  The ice bucket was always frozen over and the story always ended with, “Uphill~Both ways!”

Well, today’s run was kind of like that story.

MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I spent the last two days (Friday and Saturday) driving home from Colorado.  We had a terrific visit with #1 Daughter and her #1 Fiance while we were there.  We celebrated Christmas with them.  #1 Daughter and I managed to do some serious shopping.  All in all it was a great time!



Friday morning, MFH and I loaded up the car and were driving east by 6:00am.  It was time to go home.

Things were going great until we entered Kansas.



It was an overcast morning. The further we drove into the state, we noticed it getting foggy.  Then we had to start using the wipers because it was kind of drizzly.  We were traveling on I-70, which in the winter is always a dicy thing to do.  We got as far as Colby when there was a road block by the state Troopers.  We were forced to leave the road.

We discovered that I-70 was iced over and they were shutting it down.

MFH and I chatted and decided to travel the back roads and head south.  We were hoping to drive far enough south to get away from the ice.


It was very slick for a while and the back end of our car wasn’t convinced that it wanted to stay on the road.  We crawled along and eventually got away from the ice. Success!

We reach Dodge City.  I told MFH that we were going to get the “Heck out of Dodge.”  I thought it was hilarious!  He just kind of did an *eye roll.*


Once we entered Oklahoma, the weather improved.  It warmed up and all was well.  We stopped in Perry, OK, for the night and finished the drive home, to Mississippi, yesterday. When we got home, the temps were in the upper 70’s.

This morning, I got ready to run and it was barely 30*  I bundled up in ALL my cold weather running stuff and bounded out the door.


I mean, BRRRR!!!

It was raining.  I’ve run in the rain many times.  No big deal.  I figured I would warm up as I went along.

I was wrong.

The rain turned into freezing rain because the temps were dropping.

Then it turned into sleet.

Eventually it turned into snow flurries.

I was not having fun.

My ITBS was still crabby from the race last weekend.

I was a sad, sad panda.


I managed to get to 10 miles before I cried, “Uncle!

I was pretty upset with myself for a while.  I was thinking to myself, “Howard, it’s just a little rain!  Get over it!”

After draining the hot water tank in the shower, I went to put on my warmest clothes only to discover my lips were still blue.  LOL!!!  That’s pretty cold!  I cut myself some slack and told myself, “You DID manage double digits. That’s not so bad!”

Anybody else kick themselves around the block when they’re not happy with a run?  I’m soooo bad about that!!!



MFH and I did manage to get our planks done tonight, too!  YAY, us!



Next race is the Mississippi Blues Marathon, January 7, 2017!

Happy Running, all!!!







