Kick Off

Wow!  That came up fast!

Today I kicked off training for Grandma’s Marathon.  Grandma’s Marathon is June 18 in Duluth, Minnesota.


This year is the 40th Anniversary of the race and registration sold out very fast.  I was lucky to get in!  MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I are planning on making the trip to MN for the race our vacation this year.

To start my training, I had an 8 mile tempo run this morning.  I don’t tempo well in the best of conditions.  Let’s face it, this lady’s body just doesn’t tempo.  I try!  Don’t get me wrong, I really do try but usually my regular ol’ runs are faster than my tempo runs.  Hahaha!!!

Today was windy and I was so excited when I hit my first two splits.  I thought to myself, “Maybe this will be the first time EVER I get my tempo run right!”  Then I turned into the wind.  That was the end of my successful tempo run!  The wind took the tempo right out of that run and turned it into a, “Let’s see if we can survive the run.” run.  Forget the tempo!  Just get the miles done.  #temporunfail

Sure was a pretty morning!  If you take the tempo out of the name of what kind of run I was supposed to do, it ended up being a very nice 8 miler!


Tomorrow is a rest day for Wednesday’s long run.  I am scheduled for 18 miles on Wednesday.  It’s supposed to be warmish so I’ll probably wear my hydration vest and carry stuff with me.

During the cooler weather we’ve been having, I’ve just been making loops back to the house and picking up what I need.  Now that it’s getting warmer, coming back to the house really isn’t such a great idea.  Something about having to pass the house or even my street makes my legs turn into lead.  I’m kind of like a horse knowing it’s close to the barn and my body says, “I’m only 7 miles short of my assigned mileage.  That’s close enough, right?”

Nope.  It’s time to switch to out and back runs or I’ll be too tempted to stop early and that will be my downfall come race day.


April 1st will find me in Austin, Texas, visiting some running friends!  I’m super excited about this!!!  These are people I’ve chatted with for years online and I’m finally going to meet them IRL.  Together we are going to run the Austin 10/20.


My extent of Texas travels is Texarkana for a wedding and the two big airports.  I’ve heard wonderful things about Austin and how pretty it is.  This is the race bling I should be bringing home with me.  I’ve already chatted with the RD (Race Director) about an extra medal for Aiden (#IRun4Aiden) and they were extremely helpful with that.  Good people in Austin!



Enough of the race/running talk.  How’s Paxton doing you ask?

Paxton got to go “bye-bye” today.  I needed to go to the pharmacy and seeing as I would be going through the drive thru, I decided he could come along.  He thought he was such a lucky dog!!!

He sat up nice and tall the entire drive…watching out the windshield.  The entire trip, the seat belt alarm was beeping because he’s such a pudgy puppy, he sets it off.

Once we got to the pharmacy, the lady came to the window and was getting the stuff put together for me to take home.  Through the little door they use in the drive thru, she put 3 doggie treats in there for Paxton.  Then she took a pic of Paxton with her phone so she could show her husband a pic of the dog wearing a necktie.  How funny is that!?!



What a goofy dog I have!

Tomorrow, no running~instead I will be cleaning house.  Whee?  Needs to be done so, duty calls as it were.  *sigh*