ChafeX Ambassador (and Paxton stuff)

I don’t know if you remember back a few weeks ago.  I had run an easy 20 miler with my friend Shobal.  He had, on the spur of the moment, decided to run the 20 with me “because it sounded like fun.”  It’s not often that you find somebody willing to drop everything and run those kind of miles with you!  We had a great time!



During that run, I wore short sleeves.  It was the end of December and the weather was warm enough to wear that!  I remember thinking that was pretty cool beans stuff!

I ALSO remember at mile 4 (out of the 20 miles) feeling some chafing on the inside of my arms starting up.  Knowing you are chafing for 16 miles is a looonnggg way to go.  Feeling that sandpaper rubbing…it’s dreadful.  You KNOW you are going to do “the dance” when you take your post run shower.  You KNOW it is going to hurt like a _______.

It did.  It was the worst chafing I have ever had.  It also helped me remember why I don’t run in short sleeves.  This is a problem with me!  The inside of my arms really, really, really don’t like me to run on short sleeves.  The sleeves chew up my arms and spit them back out.  I have a pic, but I’ll spare you the visuals.  Trust me…it wasn’t pretty.

I had seen a post on Twitter for this stuff called ChafeX.  I was intrigued!  I have tried quite a few anti-chafe products but from either sweat and/or friction, these products failed after 10-ish miles.  If I didn’t have a very long run, they were just fine.  I usually have longer runs….I needed to find something before my 50 mile race coming up or it would be B.A.D.

Finally, I contacted the people at ChafeX.  They very graciously sent me a complimentary tube of their product to try.

This stuff rocks!

I used it for the first time on a 26 miler.  Came home after that run dog tired.  All I wanted was a shower.  As I stood in the shower and realized I wasn’t doing “the dance!”  I was enjoying the warm water without having to avoid sore spots!


I used it on a few of my shorter but more challenging runs.  No chafing!

Last Wednesday, I ran 30 miles.  Perfect!

I seriously love this stuff!!!

So, ChafeX has invited me to be an Ambassador for their product!  I’m so excited about this!!!  I am able to offer everybody the opportunity to try this product~the only financial obligation is postage.  $4.88  The product is free!  They have a no squabbling return policy.  They aren’t going to fuss with you about a return.

Good people!

Here is a link if you’re interested in trying it:  OR if you lose this link, simply Google, and in the promo code, use my initials:  MSH (Melinda Sue Howard).

Now, to Paxton:

Paxton has been at “Reggie’s House” all weekend.  He has been a lucky dog!

MFH and I went to Jackson, Mississippi, yesterday for the Hamfest and didn’t think it was fair to Paxton to be stuck in the house all day by himself.  He would need to use the yard at some point in the day and that’s just too long to ask a puppy to “hold it.”

We had a lovely time in Jackson.  Of course I found an antique radio to add to my collection.  It’s a pretty one!  A Zenith model Y-723.  It was manufactured in 1956.



Also, I found out if you go to Google Images, “dog likes Nutty Bars,” you will find TONS of pics of Paxton!  I don’t know whether to be embarrassed or proud.  Hahaha!!!


Ran 8.15 miles this morning.  Total miles run in January:  206.79 miles.  Nice start to the year.  33 days until the 50 Mile race!  Let’s do this!!!  #IRun4Aiden
