Confessions of a Numbers Nerd

I admit it.  I am a numbers nerd.

First off, we have to establish the fact that I stink at math.  I mean, I’m really, really awful at math!

The last math class I took was my sophomore year of high school.  Algebra.  How in the world do they expect you to come up with an answer when they use letters!?!  I’ll never understand it.  I “passed” Algebra with a D-.  I think the teacher passed me just to get me out of his class.  I was that awful.

Math.  Not a fan.

But I am definitely a numbers nerd when it comes to running.

It started at the end of my first full year as a runner.  People were posting their total mileage for the year.  Here I was, dying to know how many miles I had run but because I hadn’t thought to keep track, I had no idea.  I swore I would never find myself in that situation again.

I started tracking with the kitchen calendar and my Garmin.  Then I added Garmin Connect and Strava.  I joined FB groups where you log your daily miles.  It’s really pretty pathetic!  After every run, I have close to 30 minutes of simply logging my miles in all the different places that tally my miles.

I like it when all the different places agree, too.

Lately, Strava has been chopping off the last few 100th’s of my runs.  Not Popular.  After a while, those 10th’s and 100th’s add up to miles!  Give me credit for every single step, Strava!  But we won’t go into that….HA!

Seeing as yesterday was the end of June, that meant adding up all the miles for the month.  June added up to 218.90 miles.  Sweet!  I was content with that.  Next was to add up the miles for the calendar year.

So far in 2015 I have run 1161.61 miles.

I joined a site with other people who are trying to run 2015 miles in 2015.  With my 1161.61, that means I only have roughly 954(ish) miles left to reach that goal.  Haha!  Told you I was a number nerd!

Marathon training for the Berlin Marathon (September 27) and the Marine Corps Marathon (Oct 25) begins this coming Sunday.  My mileage is going to drop dramatically.  Sad Panda.  I am going to try to obey my coach.  I know that’s hard to believe but it’s true!

I have an aggressive goal for Berlin and the only way I’m going to make it (if at all) is to listen to my coach.  So, lower miles. Only 150 or so for July.

I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed these next couple of months…and adding and re-adding my miles.  #Hopeless
