Uh-Oh. I Smell Trouble!

Well, it all kinda hit the fan this evening.

#1 Son has a presentation at school tomorrow (he’s taking summer classes at Mississippi State University) and he needed to wear a necktie.  He had called and asked if MFH (My Favorite Husband) had a tie that he could borrow for the presentation.

“Sure!” we said.  So, #1 Son drove over to our house to pick up the tie.

He came out of our bedroom with the tie.  He had tied it loosely around his neck and was walking into the living room.  That’s when the trouble began.

Paxton, my pampered, pudgy pooch, the wearer of ties and the fashion statement of all puppydom, spotted the tie around #1 Son’s neck.


Paxton followed #1 Son all over the house.

Paxton wanted that tie!

#1 Son finally quit walking around the house and Paxton parked his substantial  puppy butt right in front of #1 Son.  Paxton was looking intently at #1 Son.  Paxton was trying to will that tie off of #1 Son’s neck and onto his own.

It wasn’t working.

#1 Son took the tie off of his own neck and laid it across the back of the sofa.  He had a few other items he was going to take back to school with him and he was simply adding the tie to the pile.

Paxton made a grab for the tie.

#1 Son made a grab for the tie.

#1 Son intercepted Paxton and saved the day!


That is MFH’s only tie.  It would not have been pretty if #1 Son had lost the tie to Paxton.

Disaster adverted.

