Unplanned Rest Day

Today was an unplanned rest day.

Yesterday was a regular day.  I ran in the morning.  Met one of our neighbors who has just started running.  We ran about a mile together.  He is trying to run 2 miles each day.  Nice guy!  I wish him well!

MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I had a few errands to run and we went and did that.  Had a nice time in town.  Grabbed Jimmy John’s for lunch and came home.

Yesterday was Field Day for the local Ham Radio Club.  We are both members.  MFH’s call sign is w0ep and I am w5msh.  He is a “good” ham in that he is pretty active and I am a “bad” ham seeing as I don’t do much of anything at all.

Field Day is where “Ham’s” operate in the field, remotely…road trip, with your radio equipment and try to talk to other “Ham’s” on the radio.  I’ve brought sandwiches for people participating in Field Day, but have never actually tried to raise anybody on the air.  MFH left for Field Day around 2:00 pm and got home at 12:30 this morning.

I Don’t Sleep When MFH Is Gone!  Can’t.

So, I went to bed about 9:30 last night.  I thrashed around in bed until around midnight.  Wide awake.  I’d turn one way and then the other.  The dog, Paxton, was kinda perturbed with me because all my moving around was keeping him from getting a good nights sleep.

Finally, around midnight, I called MFH to see if he was going to come home or not.  See, Field Day is a 24 hour event.  It would not be unusual for him to stay there the whole night.  He answered and said that he was on his way home.

Good.  Then maybe I could get some sleep.

MFH got home and crashed.  Asleep immediately. I tossed and turned until about 4:00 am and then fell asleep.  My alarm went off at 5:00 am.  BOTH alarms.  Yes, my alarm on my phone and Peter, the Rooster, welcoming in the morning.

I groaned.

I was supposed to run 10 miles this morning before church.


MFH took one look at me and said, “Try to get a little more sleep.”  So, I rolled back over and twitched until 6:00, gave up and got up.

MFH made pancakes, I made coffee, we had breakfast and I changed into my running clothes.

Settled on a route for my run this morning.  A little bit different that usual so I filled in MFH on the change of route and headed on out the door.

I made 1.50 miles and called it quits.  My legs felt like lead.  I could barely move.  10 miles of this!?!  Nope.

Came home.  Cleaned house.  Had some lunch.  Took some cold water and frozen watermelon out to the chickens and then tried to rest again.  Twitched.

I hope I can sleep tonight!!!