How Awesome Is That!?!

Today’s Run:  Rest Day

My husband and I had our long run yesterday.  It was an 18 miler that turned out to be a bit longer than 18.  I needed to find a little girls room (too much Gatorade at the water stops   :).  We were running through the MSU (Mississippi State University) campus and took a few detours to find a wash room.  That story had a happy ending.

But as we were running, my son, who happens to be a student at MSU said he would act as a water stop for us at the half way point since we were going further than the rest of the running group.  We accepted his offer.  It was a huge help!

As he was waiting for us to arrive, he called my in-laws and was passing the time chatting with them.  They are awesome people.  My FIL asked our son our route and immediately got on Google Maps and followed our route online.  He kept saying, “Wow!  They are running a long, long way today.”  and then he would say, “Are they there yet?”   He wanted to make sure we were alright!  We had to cross a highway and all that.  So, our son kept them up to date with our run.

THEN~my FIL dropped a tiny bit of info that I will always treasure.  See, he is our (My husband and I) biggest cheer leader for our upcoming marathon.  He has followed us every step of our training.  He is an encourager.

Anyway, he told our son that when he goes to men’s prayer breakfast every Tuesday morning (5:30 am) and they ask for any special prayer requests, he mentions my husband and I and our training and our race.  Then a group of men in their 60’s and 70’s pray specifically for us and our training and the travel to and from the race and the race itself.
