
Today’s Run:  Spending the entire morning sitting at the Dr. office…waiting…..

Back in August I began an Odyssey. I did not realize at the time that this odyssesy/adventure would take until today to finally be compete.

At the beginning of August, I had cataract surgery on my right eye.  We began with the right eye because, of my two eyes it needed the most help and I had a trip coming up and needed to be able to see well enough to be able to read the map for navigational purposes.  So, the right eye, it was.

Three weeks later, we did the left eye.  I thought things were awesome!!!  I had gone such a long time with deteriorating vision that I was thrilled beyond belief at my improved sight.  Then three weeks ago, I had, what I thought was my last post-op check up.  Oops.

I had a film rapidly spreading over my brand new implanted lenses.  Boo.  That meant laser surgery on both eyes.  Boo again!

Two weeks ago, I had the laser surgery on both eyes.  Yesterday was my post-op check up for that and again I received a thumbs up from the Dr. and a prescription for readers (read:  granny glasses).

Apparently with all the corrective work, my eyes are now in discrepancy enough in the near sighted field to need prescription readers.  Rats.  I was having a great time collecting the cute little readers at Wal-Mart and the pharmacy, etc.  But, the Dr. said that I needed the prescription ones.

So, after my appointment yesterday, off we toddled to the eye glasses store and I found the least expensive frame that looked reasonable as readers, had them slap some lenses in them and today went and picked them up.  Done.  Complete.  Fine’.

Finally, cataract surgery, check.  Laser surgery, check.  Prescription granny glasses, check.  Grandchildren???   Waiting on that one…

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