“Interesting Question!”

Today’s Run:  2.28 miles

Last Winter we began the process of painting the inside of the house.  We are almost done with that project.  The only room left to paint is the Solarium.  We left this room for last because, well, we do not really care  what color it is.

Since we have so much yellow paint left over from the kitchen project, I thought I would just go ahead and bring that paint on into the Solarium.  There is just one little snag with that idea.  That room is my painting studio.

My husband thought that it would not be a good idea to paint my studio yellow.  He thought that the yellow would skew my paints as I was mixing them.  I had not thought of that.  So, we turned to the professionals.

I sent emails and made phone calls to the art departments of the Mississippi University for Women (The “W”) and Mississippi State University (MSU) asking them what color would be an ideal color to paint a studio.  After waiting a couple a days for a reply, I repeated the process and both schools replied with, “That’s an interesting question!”.

Basically, the consensus was, yellow was not a good idea but neither was white!  It should be a light gray on three walls and a dark gray on the third wall.  Why gray?  Well, (for starters, I use a gray palette when mixing paints, so I kinda already knew this), gray is a neutral color.  It is neither warm or cool.  So, it is perfect for mixing paints because it will not influence the finished mixture.  The light gray walls are to give light to the mixture and the dark wall is to bounce that light back onto the palette and the canvas.  Ta-Dah!!!