Category Archives: Classic Book Radio

50 Miles and Stuff

I really don’t have a good excuse whatsoever for not blogging consistently.  Well, except that there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

My 50 Mile race is exactly 90 days away and the training miles are stacking up.  This past Wednesday, I had a 24 mile training run.  Didn’t bat an eye at having to go out and run 24 miles.  Crazy stuff!  I’m having the time of my life!!!  Lots more miles between now and toeing the line for that race, though.

My total for 2015 stands at 2193.98 miles.  I’m scheduled for 6 miles tomorrow morning before church but I’ll probably run 7 because then I will be at 2200 miles.  I’m such a numbers nerd!  Hahaha!!!

Aiden has been having a rough week.  He went to school on Tuesday.  He was just fine when he left for school but before lunch time, his mom got a call from the school saying he was having labored breathing.  Not. Good.

Long story short, they got his breathing under control and took cultures, etc, and he has spent the rest of the week trying to recover.  He had a good reason to try to get well soon because yesterday evening (Friday) was a Santa Sing-a-Long and he wanted to go very, very bad.

Friday morning, Aiden had a Doctor’s appointment and got the thumbs up that he could go.  He had the time of his life!!!  His mom posted to me on FB the sweetest pic of him so happy!  It made my heart smile.


After the Sing-a-Long, Aiden got to sit on Santa’s lap and get his pic taken.


Times like these, where he is healthy enough to go out, are few and far between so this was a big deal thing!

He did get news back that his culture grew 4 things and they will be discussing a course of action to help him get all the way well from this blip.   #IRun4Aiden

Paxton is forever being my pudgy pooch.  He has taken the issue of getting a Nutty Bar each day very seriously!  Must. Have. Nutty Bar.   Goofy Dog.  I am constantly being stalked by my dog whenever I go into the kitchen and open the fridge.



The nights are getting pretty chilly in Mississippi these days, that means Castro and Kali are staying in the house.  MFH would rather they were outdoors but they won’t hear of it.  It’s cold out there!!!  That means Kali and I are having the battle of the fuzzy blanket each evening.  Thursday, I went into our bedroom an hour before bedtime and there she was, perched on top of the fuzzy blanket.  She was giving me the evil eye saying, “I dare you to try to get the fuzzy blanket tonight.”  I was cold that night.  Lost that battle before it even started.


Castro just picks a spot.  Any spot and saws logs.


We have had our radio station on the air every weekend now for about a month. We are working out the kinks with the transmitter, etc, before we commit to being on the air 24/7 with the FCC.  This is a very exciting time for us!  Here is the link to our station and what we are doing:     Once we get everything worked out, we will be streaming our content so no matter where you are, you can listen!  Pretty Cool Beans!!!  We will have the listings of what selections will be read at what time on our link and on our FB page once we are on the air 24/7.  We will also have the printed copy link available for those who would like to read along.  Classic Book Radio.  WMFH-LP  95.5FM   Columbus, Mississippi.

We will be spending Christmas in Colorado with #1 Daughter.  Very excited about this!  #1 Daughter and I were chatting the other day trying to remember the last time we were together for Christmas.  Neither one of us could remember.  That means it has been waaaayyyy too long!  Looking forward to this!

THAT is what has been happening in our neck of the woods, Mississippi.  Wouldn’t trade this life for anything!