other thoughts

Early Dark

[today’s run: 3.2 miles]

We had our reversion of daylight savings time and today the sunset was at 4:59 pm. I ran this morning in the light. But from now until about Christmas the days will be getting very short.

I woke up this morning when the grandfather clock was striking 5. But I had not put it back yet, so it was really 4.

I spent a lot of time yesterday searching for my car keys. This morning I sorted the laundry and went through all of my pockets. Finally I went out to the car and found the keys on the floor in front of the driver’s seat. I’m not sure how that happened, but I’m glad I found them. My wife said, “You are always losing your keys!” But of course I am not, I still have them. I have not lost them yet. Sometimes I don’t know where they are, but otherwise no problem. It would be really handy to have a button in the car that would make the keys beep.

I need to go put some gas in the car so that she can drive to an appointment in the morning. I also have an appointment, at the optometrist in the early afternoon. Our gas around here is running just under $3/gal.

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch after church yesterday. Their food is ok, nothing fantastic. The thing I don’t like about the place is that the cost is higher than it should be for the middling quality. We didn’t have dessert or appetizer and it still was $50 after the tip. I think it must be to finance the wall-to-wall televisions.