
The Fifth Commandment – part 2

[Today’s run: nothing yet]

In my last post I lamented the detaching of marriage from child-rearing and the repudiation of the Fifth Commandment.

In this one I want to project out a bit further.  When we ended yesterday, marriage had become solely a contractual construction.

After a generation or so, I  predict that the ill effects of raising children in single-sex households will be recognized.  Child advocacy organizations in league with surrogate mothers will move to have motherless households be declared a form of child abuse and the UN will pass a resolution saying that every child deserves a mother and a father.

So there will be a two tiered system of marriage, one based on the contract between adults and another based on the child-friendliness of the household.  The word “marriage” will be attached to the ever-changing inter-adult relationships and some new word will arise to describe households with approved configurations for children.