Double Digits!!!

If you follow me on social medial anywhere, you know that I have this “thing” for counting down the days to events.  I count down the days to Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries and races.  It’s just what I do.

As a rule, I keep my life very structured. I kid about having my “Ducks in a Row,” but I really do!  There’s usually sooooo many things going on at one time that it helps me keep everything in one piece.  Organized.



Currently, I have most of my racing schedule for 2017 arranged.  I do have my name in a couple of lotteries and I’m waiting with my fingers crossed to see if I get in.  Other than that? 2017 is booked.

That means, it’s time to begin arranging training schedules for these races!  Being the lucky girl I am, I tell my coach what I’m planning on running.  If he says I might want to reconsider an event, I’ll listen and back out of a race…especially if I haven’t paid registration yet.  Then he gets to figure out the training schedule.  I run what he tells me to run for my training.

This brings us to double digits!

On April 1st, April Fools Day, the registration for Rocky Raccoon 100 opened.  I’d been counting down the days for the registration to open.  I know, lame.  LOL!!!

That day, I was driving to Austin, Texas, to stay with a running friend and run the Austin 10/20 the next day.  When I got to her house, I registered for the race and then had tons of fun with some of my Texas running friends.  We’d never met before IRL so it was a real treat to spend some time with them and run a fun race!


Ever since that day, I’ve popped in on a site that counts down the number of days to any date you enter.

From the beginning it was some huge number like 295 or something like that.  I’d think, UGH!  The race is never going to get here!  When I returned from Germany and running the Berlin Marathon, that’s when things got serious.  Training for Rocky Raccoon 100 kicked into high gear and I thought it would be safe to see how many days until race day.

Well, guess what.  We’re in double digits in the countdown!  Double digits until I run my first 100 Mile race!



For those of you who don’t know, this race is my Birthday Present!  I’ll be turning 55 years old about a week after this race.  I can’t think of a better Birthday Present, can you?


Tomorrow morning, I will hop out of bed and grab 12 miles before church.  Seeing as it’s Daylight Savings Time, I will get an extra hour of sleep before this run!  YAY!!!



I’m having the time of my life training for this race!!!  Wishing you all Happy Running!



















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