Grumpy Kali

I swear it was unintentional!

See, about 6 weeks ago, MFH (My Favorite Husband) agreed that it was time to replace my laptop.  It was a 2010 laptop and was having some major issues.  To be blunt, it was driving me nuts!  Time for something new.

After a lot of online research, I ordered a new laptop.  When it arrived, I was a very happy girl!  For starters, it worked!  That was a huge win in my book.  I was doing the happy dance and thought life was great!

MFH on the other hand really didn’t like my set up at all.  Oh, the new laptop was great!  It was the desk I was using and the extra flat screen monitor.  They drove him nuts.  Seeing as I’d never used anything different, I didn’t see the problem.  Then again, he IS in IT work and knows a thing or two about nice set ups of work areas.

In the long run we brought home a table with three drawers from our storage locker and purchased two new flat screen monitors.  He had surprised me with a docking station for the laptop so his idea was to have the laptop live on the docking station and just utilize the two external monitors.  He didn’t even want me to have to open the laptop at all!  Wow!

I’ve been using this set up, like I said, for about 6 weeks and had only one complaint.  I sat hunched over and my body was complaining a little bit. The monitors sat too low.  MFH said he would raise them higher and fix the problem.

He did and problem solved!

Well, except for now I have a grumpy kitty.


In the evenings, Kali, one of our two kitties, thought it was tons of fun to lay behind the monitors. She thought I couldn’t see her.  She’d reach out from underneath a monitor and bat at something on my desk…real quick like.  She wanted me to say, “Now where did that kitty paw come from?”

We had this game going, you see.  We were having fun!

Now that MFH had raised the monitors, she didn’t have anyplace to hide.  She couldn’t bat at things anymore.  We couldn’t play our little game.


Poor Kali!

She is having to content herself with sleeping on my tummy at night.  Heaven forbid I roll over.  She’ll sink those sharp little kitty claws into my tummy in a heartbeat letting me know that she’s comfy where she’s at and that I’m not to mess it up.

Spoiled cat!

Tomorrow is 9/11.

Never Forget!!!

Where were you when the towers fell?  I bet you can tell me exactly where you were and what you were doing.

















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