Paxton: Valor and Bravery

Paxton:  My hero.

That statement may or may not have been said deadpan.  It may have been said dripping with sarcasm.  It may have been heartfelt.  It may have been all three.

MFH (My Favorite Husband) has been doing a LOT of traveling this summer.  They hired a new guy so the company has been flying him back and forth:  Mississippi to Colorado and back to Mississippi, pretty much every other week since May.  It’s made for a long summer.

MFH and I, well, we are stuck in our ways.  We have our little comfort zone and being together, day in and day out, is a very large part of that comfort zone.  What I am trying to say is, we like being together.  We do NOT like NOT being together.

A little bit of travel is okay.  And expected.

A lot of travel isn’t cool.

Not in the least.

With MFH being gone so much, Paxton has become the man of the house.  Heaven help us all!  HA!

Paxton, my hero, hides in the hall bathroom at the first crack of thunder.

Paxton, my hero, announces the arrival of the newspaper guy.  The mailman.  The Fed-Ex guy.  The UPS guy.  In those instances, I am very happy to have him!

Paxton, for all of his Paxton-ish-ness, it a great dog.

Since he has stepped up his game over the summer, he has been given a bit more freedom outdoors.

When he has been let out before, he was always on a zip line.  We had to install one because when he was younger, he liked to go visit the neighbors.  One neighbor in particular…well, Paxton scared her to death.  In his exuberance, he greeted her all wiggly…well, 130 lb Boxer wiggling all around you?  Yea, I could see where that would be a little intimidating.  So, we installed the zip line.  Paxton couldn’t go visiting unannounced anymore.

He doesn’t wander that far anymore.  He’s getting older.  He’s matured AND he’s too fat to go that far.  HA!  He kinda comes when called now.  He’s a good boy.

As I was saying, he has a little bit more freedom.  He goes outdoors with us now and enjoys all areas of our 2 acres.  He likes to sit in the grass and check things out.  He wants people to know that this is HIS property.  Don’t mess with it.

Good boy, Paxton

Paxton is the epitome of Valor and Bravery.
