
Y’all know I have my little running buddy through the IRun4 group.  This seriously has been one of the best things that has happened to me as far as running is concerned.

Running is a solitary sport. Yes, you have lots of running friends.  You socialize.  You run together.  Race together.  Have a lot of fun!  It is still a solitary sport.  It all comes down to you.  Do you have the grit to do the training.  Do you have what it takes to get out the door on the cold mornings, the raining mornings, the hot mornings…You are the only one who can make you do it.

The social aspect of it is the icing on the cake!  That is part of the reward for working your tail off to accomplish the goal you set months ago.

So, when I heard about IRun4, I thought it sounded great!  I could give back… give more of a purpose to all of those training runs.  Being able to dedicate those miles to a person who physically could NOT run, that was more icing on the cake than any pre or post race party.  This was giving direction, an objective if you will, as to why I was out there every day putting in the miles.

So, I was matched a few months ago.  I was so excited!!!  After waiting for 6 months, the day I had been waiting for had finally arrived.  I was matched to the sweetest little boy.  He is a cutie!!!  He is a fighter!!!  He is defying the odds.  He is a tough cookie and he is the best running buddy a person could ever want.

Every day, whether I’m running or not, I put together a pic collage for him of this or that and send him greetings.  I want him to know that I am thinking about him and that I think he is the best of the best!

I’ve run a few races since we’ve been matched and have sent of a couple of care packages with a race medal and a few little extras.  It’s always fun to get stuff in the mail, right!?!  Aside from bills, I mean.  HA!

Today, I had just hit the post button with the pic telling him about today’s run.  Immediately, Paxton started announcing the arrival of the UPS guy.  No big deal.  The UPS and FedEx guys come here a lot.

MFH (My Favorite Husband) went and collected the package.

It was for me!!!

Cool Beans!!!

It was from my little IRun4 buddy!!!

I was surprised!

I opened it right away.

Here, all this time, I had been doing stuff for my little IRun4 buddy and here he was, doing the same for me.  I think this is one of the most wonderful, thoughtful, generous, completely unexpected things anybody has ever done for me!

So, of course, I had to take a pic and post again (quite happily!) a very big thank you to my buddy.

I am humbled.
